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About Me

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I am a man who is equal parts Husband, Father, Friend, Actor, Film Maker, Author and Entrepreneur. I am an individual who seeks out the experience of life in all of its wondrous aspects and who is fascinated by the process of what I am experiencing in the moment. Always a thinker, I am fascinated by the insights into spiritual truths. I am traditionally old-fashioned and have strong Mediterranean foundations mingled with many years of traveling experience, fluent in 5 languages and constantly seeking stimulation, whether it be intellectual, spiritual, artistic or emotional. Thus far my life has been a roller coaster of events and I continue to pursue to live an extraordinary life. I take great comfort in the fact that I connect deeply with my imagination and drift away in my fantasies where I can make imaginary worlds and people come to life, and can fly high above the negative, greedy spirit and disturbing nature of this world and live in my dreams. In addition, today I take great pleasure in coaching, mentoring and empowering those who have a burning desire to make a change and succeed!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A Few Things You Need To Know Before Joining Any MLM or Network Marketing Opportunity:

(1) You completely grasp the meaning that what you are getting into is a business and like any real business our business requires an investment. The initial fee at sign-up is not enough. There is an overhead. Small or large is up to you. Calculate the expanse before you go in. Ask yourself, how will you fund your marketing, buy the necessary tools, pay for any monthly CV’s and fees that your company may require, and still pay your bills? You can start small and work on a budget, its okay. Learn the ropes, give your business some legs and you will be on the right track. Many entrepreneurs who started small in this business have done the right things, stuck it through the ups and downs and in time done very well for themselves.

(2) How will you be a value to others? You will not be successful if you are an island. You would need to be willing to share and impart your knowledge to others, especially those on your team. Help them be successful, even to be better then you. Their success is your success. Everybody wins!

(3) Have a strong objective – A GOAL!. Constantly remind yourself of your ultimate GOAL and WHY you got involved in the business in the first place. Educate yourself about the business. Be willing to share and give for free. Again, be of value to others and be very willing to help people. Do NOT give up! You don’t open a coffee shop and close after 60 days because you haven’t sold enough coffees yet. Be patient! This business like any other will take time.

Make Sure The Opportunity You Are Considering Have These Five Points In Place:

1.  Impeccable and Solid Leadership at the Top.
2. Solid Financial Backing
3. Products that People will continue to buy even when they don’t join your organization.
4.  A Valuable Team & Outstanding Training System.
5. Rock Solid Compensation Plan that is right for YOU!


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